A laser based defence system being developed by the US and Israel
to protect Israeli settlements in the North of the country successfully
brought down two Katyusha rockets during tests earlier this week
at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
The Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL) demonstrator tracked and
destroyed a salvo of two Katyusha rockets. This test was the follow-on
to the successful single rocket shootdown test of June 6.This test
was the first time the THEL system shot down multiple rockets in
the air at the same time.
THEL destroys a Katyusha rocket |
In July 1996, the US Department of Defense (DoD) and the Israeli
Ministry of Defense signed a memorandum of agreement which spelled
out the development and functional testing of a THEL demonstrator.
The THEL consists of subsystems that include a laser, a pointer-tracker,
a command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I) centre,
and a fire control radar. TRW is the prime contractor.
More trials are due, the next early in September. After additional
development, testing and evaluation, the demonstrator will be available
for shipment to Israel.
© «Defense Systems Daily», 31.08.2000